27 January 2012

Round and Round we go.......

What can I say, I'm so fed up with how slow the Veterans Affairs are with giving my husband a response to his appeal to his rating for service related injuries. To get you up to speed, My very brave hubby fell off a 15-20 ft wall over in Iraq while on patrol back in 2005, completely taring his ACL and meniscus in half in his right knee, dislocating his shoulders and bruising and spraining his lumbar. We have been battling the VA since his return and discharge from active duty in 2006. Its just so frustrating, it feels like were just keep going round and round with them constantly. We gave them all the information/evidence we have including all the witness statements from my hubby's comrades. The last we heard (in September 2011) was they are only on Appeals from July 2008, we are March 2010 of when we appealed their decision. My poor hubby is in so much pain, every time he hurts I get more and more upset and frustrated with how slow it is taking, he needs a major surgery to will take between 6-9 months to recover from. I just wish they would hurry up and make a decision so we can move on to the next step, praying and hoping its surgery (fingers crossed). We have done everything possible to prevent/pros pone surgery as much as possible, but his knee and back and shoulders keep getting worse, day after day.

28 December 2010

Kennedy's Scare

On December 10th, 2010 my poor three week old Kennedy had her first scare, she was having a hard time breathing she kept turning blue as well had a fever of 101.4 so we took her to the dr, he immediately ordered tons of test to see what it could be including a spinal tap, chest x-rays, catheter, blood work, whopping cough, and other tests. We were very blessed to have my dear sweet uncle cort and friend give her a blessing, i was one scared mama. After five days, all the test came back negative. To this day we still have no idea completely what she had, but are so thankful we had her home for Christmas we stayed in the hospital for five days, four of them in the PICU unit at Mary Bridge Children's hospital in Tacoma, WA. This was a very scary/ trying and emotional experience i pray no parent has to go through, i pray I never have to watch my child turn blue again. It truly left a tole on me.

08 March 2009

An Update from last post

Let's catch up from last August when i last posted a blog, I was busy watching three kids at the end of the last summer into November. It was really nice helping pay bills, been thinking maybe when the girls start full time Pre-school i can return to work, it might also help me to loose the baby pooch I'm still caring around, wink, wink. The picture above of Jon and I was from our friends wedding back in August, it was really nice getting out just the two of us, I really had a fun time. In September we learned after all the test and specialist we've seen, we learned grace has autism, something i would have never thought of, maybe it was a denial or something, but grace and Reagan both are now enrolled in a birth to three preschool class, they go every Thursday from 1030-noon its nice, i go every week, Jon goes on occasions. Their teachers are exceptional, so sweet and caring. Teacher Phyllis is so sweet she comes to our house every Friday to help grace with more one on one attention. I really enjoy the freedom outside of the house, lol i say this because if you don't know, I'm stuck at home most of the time with grace being just to much for me to handle on my own. We had a very fun fall overall, it went to fast. We adventured this Halloween to the pumpkin patch here in Olympia, they had tons of fun things to do, like a wagon ride to find a pumpkin, a huge slide like the one at the fair, elephant ears, a horse carousel, and tons more. Grace really enjoyed the slide, mom took her the first time but daddy took her after. Mom's just to afraid of heights. Our new little nephew Jaxon Gary arrived on the 29th of October, he is ever so precious. We had a great thanksgiving, everyone was there except for Jon of course, he had to work as normal. December we took our annual vacation to Jon's parents down in Arizona, it was nice to get away for a few days and just relax and catch up with the family. I almost forgot to mention I got really sick while i was there, the first time I've ever lost my voice, at that I actually got a chance to go to Mexico again, always nice to leave the country once and a while. As well while visiting Jon and I celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. We went to a very elegant and romantic restaurant, Jon and I both had a nice steak, salad, bread, very nice place. We returned home safe and sound, to find almost a foot of snow had fallen while we were gone, it was crazy. we actually had to stay with my folks for a few days while we waited for the roads to clear up enough to travel home. I have found I am not a snow person, its beautiful but very annoying, this year alone I honestly can say we've had enough snow to last us a few years without it. Its actually snowing now as I'm typing this blog up. We haven't had any new things happen lately, ill try and keep this as up to date as i can, when i have time. Oh Grace will be celebrating her 3rd birthday this 28th of June, and my Lil Reagan will be celebrating her 2nd birthday on the 26th of June, they are growing way to fast. I want them to stay little forever, only in a dream i guess.

how i feel my days consist of


24 July 2008

My goals this month

Learning how to do this whole blogging business i am not a big Internet person, i am trying to explore new things and one is getting to know the Internet more, my girlfriends have no problem making blogs and hopefully one day i can say the same. My goals this month are.......lose weight, lol i seriously need to lose 5-10 pounds this month, this baby fat is moving slowly off my body and is getting me quit upset I want my size 6 back, another goal this month is to help Grace learn new words, Reagan needs help with walking. Set goals hopefully i can accomplish at least one of them.